
Created Wednesday 24 August 2016

Breakpad in Theta

Breakpad is the "crash dump" library used by Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Here's how to use it:

$ module use /soft/modulefiles
$ module load breakpad-auto

Now link your application using cc/CC/ftn as usual (remember to include -g).

If your application crashes, you'll see files named, for example:


Where the first number is the Cobalt job ID, the second number is the (aprun) PE number, the third number is the process's PID, then comes the compute-node host name, and finally a globally-unique identifier (GUID).

You can then examine these so-called minidump files by converting them into regular core files:

$ minidump-2-core 10852.16.63918.nid00002.551347ac-429b-3612-7158abea-766f9798.dmp > my_core_file
$ gdb /path/to/executable/that/crashed my_core_file

You can also view some summary information directly from the minidump file, by running for example:

$ minidump_dump 10852.16.63918.nid00002.551347ac-429b-3612-7158abea-766f9798.dmp
(this output is not small; I recommend you redirect it to a file or a pager)

Backlinks: Software:Debugging Software